Update on Coles Crossing Trails for HCMUD 364
Posted: February 7th, 2025 at 3:26 PM Phases 2 and 3 Remain Closed to Public – Please Stay Out of Fenced Areas Phases 2 and 3 of the Trail Project (main loop and “T-Loop”) remain [...]
Grand Opening of the Sampson Elementary School New Inclusive Playground
Posted: January 6th, 2025 at 11:47 AM Harris County MUD 365 is proud to support Sampson Elementary on its recent addition of inclusive playground equipment. The playground is open to the public during non-school hours, [...]
MUD 365 Has Upgraded to Digital Water Meters!
Posted: December 9, 2024 at 1:51 PM
HCMUD 365 Is Upgrading to Digital Water Meters!
Posted: November 18th, 2024 at 10:16 AM
MUD 364/365 Joint Meeting Postponement
Posted: October 22, 2024 at 2:54 PM Due to unforeseen circumstances, the MUD 364 and MUD 365 joint meeting scheduled for Wednesday, October 23, 2024, has been cancelled for now. A new date will [...]
HCMUD 365 – Smart Meter Install Progress Update
Posted: October 9, 2024 at 1:56 PM As part of Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 365’s (HCMUD 365) ongoing efforts to improve services to its customers, the District’s smart meter installation contractor is [...]
HCMUD 365 – Resident Update on Smart Meter Installation
Posted: October 2, 2024 at 2:24 PM The Board of Directors for Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 365 (HCMUD 365) would like residents to take the following steps when their meter is changed [...]
HCMUD 365 Installation of Smart Meters
Posted: September 13, 2024 at 10:53 AM The Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 365 (HCMUD 365) Board of Directors is pleased to announce the upcoming rollout of the installation of smart meters in [...]
May 4, 2024 Directors Election Results
Posted: May 28, 2024 at 4:56 PM Candidate Name Votes Michael Crafton 208 Ann Nguyen Moore 166 Cassandra Cronin 161 Angela M. Small 104 Mark D Frieden 87 Jery D Martin 72 [...]
Team Rubicon June 14th Water Barrel Community Workshop
This workshop will be hosted by Team Rubicon and consist of a water barrel supply pickup, hands-on presentation, and Q&A session with Galveston Bay Foundation staff on site.The presentation will discuss water conservation tools like [...]
2024 Voting Information / Información sobre la votación de 2024 / 2024 Ngaøy Baàu Cöû / 2024 年投票信息
Election Day is May 4, 2024 Polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m. Early Voting Dates and Times: Monday, April 22 – Friday, April 26, 2024 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. [...]
Financial Transparency
Check out the latest financial update from MUD365. The financial page on the website offers insights into the district’s budget, audit, and taxes, including the recently published 2023 Audit. Posted: 9:08 AM [...]
World Water Day Event
Posted: Thursday, February 29, 2024 at 9:09 AM
2024 Homestead Exemptions for MUD365 Residences
At the February business meeting, the board approved the following tax exemptions for qualified MUD 365 residences: New for 2024: General Residence Homestead Exemption This exemption may reduce by 5% the taxable value used [...]
District Billing Inaccuracies Update
Earlier this month it was brought to the attention of the MUD 365 Board that water bills have not reflected the October 1 reduction of the NHCRWA pumpage fee. The process flaw has been [...]
Addressing the Overcharge: MUD365’s Response to the NHCRWA Fee Billing Error
MUD365 has been made aware of a billing error with regard to the NHCRWA fee, resulting in residents being charged an incorrect rate for the past few months. The NHCRWA decreased its rate on [...]
Recycling News Flash!
Residents, rejoice! Clear or blue recycling bags are now your eco-friendly allies! Utilize with containers to prevent items from blowing away or down storm drains, ensuring cleaner streets.ANOTHER UPDATE: Best Trash no longer accepts plastic #6 [...]
Board of Directors Elections
Board of Directors ElectionsThe next directors election is scheduled for Saturday, May 4, 2024. The District will establish the polling place(s) for the election, which will be provided in the Notice of Election.Applications for a [...]
Update On Low Pressure
Posted: 4:56 PM Today, some routine work on a booster pump caused a temporary drop in pressure for residents. Operators worked quickly and restored pressure in just a couple hours. Some discoloration in water may [...]
Low Water Pressure Being Reported
Posted: 12:07 PM MUD365 is aware of the current issue of low water pressure being reported by residents through the district. Operators are looking into it. We will keep you posted. [...]
Posted: 9:46 AM The NWS is predicting a freeze for the area within the week. Please check to make sure your information is correct on the urgent alert system. It is also a good [...]
Stormwater Drains Aren’t Trash Dumpsters PSA
Posted: 1:48 PM Let's do our part to ensure our storm water drainage system is properly maintained and kept clean! MUD365 requests that we don't use storm drains as dumpsters - compost or bag [...]
Tax Rate Information
Posted: 2:30 PM Once a year, MUD boards, together with their operational, financial, and legal advisors, determine a budget then vote on a new tax rate. This rate is based on a combination of [...]
End of Water Restrictions
Posted: 9:06 AM We are happy to announce that all water restrictions are officially over! This means that water usage is no longer restricted and you can now use water as you normally would. [...]
NHCRWA Shifts to Stage 1 Drought Measures: MUD 365 Water Restrictions Now Voluntary
Posted: 2:43 PM We have important updates concerning water usage and conservation efforts in our community. The North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) has recently announced a downgrade from Stage 2 to Stage [...]
MUD 365’s Stage 2 Drought Contingency Plan: What You Need to Know
Posted: 2:52 PM MUD 365 has implemented Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan (“DCP”) in response to current drought conditions in the Houston area and the North Harris County Regional Water Authority’s implementation [...]
MANDATORY Water Restrictions
As required by the MUD 365 Drought Contingency Plan, we will adhere to the North Harris County Regional Water Authority (NHCRWA) Drought Contingency Plan. Effective Sunday, Aug. 27, outdoor water use will be [...]
Heatwave Alert: Let’s Band Together for Smart Water Use and Conservation This Summer!
Posted: 8:45 AM As we continue in the hottest part of the summer season, please be mindful of your water usage. The area has been experiencing drought-like conditions for some time and if there [...]
August is Water Quality Month!
Posted: 10:30 AM Did you know that our water quality staff perform tens of thousands of tests and analyzes samples every year? It’s all part of our dedication to providing reliable, affordable and high [...]
Completion of Trail Work
Breaking News! Mud 365 is thrilled to announce the completion of their trail work on the walking and biking path. Clean up will happen this week but the time has finally come to dust [...]
Trails Maintenance
Tomorrow, crews will be out on the trails laying a new asphalt slurry top coat! Please stay clear of workers and off the trail for at least three days! We will post an update [...]
Delay Notification
The trail work that was scheduled to start today has been delayed to next week.
Trail Maintenance: June 12th to 14th
The next phase of trail maintenance is scheduled (weather permitting) for June 12th, and will last three days. This phase will involve the asphalt top coat, once this is placed it is very important [...]
Update: Asphalt Trail Enhancements
Attention trail users: MUD 365’s asphalt trail enhancements are progressing as planned. The cracks have now been filled. After a couple weeks of curing and when conditions allow, a top coat will be applied. [...]
Trail System Update
Harris County MUD365 is continuing to maintain the trail system. All drinking fountains have been repaired, and all of the trash can work is complete. Plus, four new benches are on the way to replace [...]
Renovation of Detention Pond Trail This Week
Attention all MUD365 visitors and patrons! We wanted to let you know that we will be starting on the renovation of the larger detention pond's trail this week. While we are working hard to [...]
Surveyors on Trails
Attention all runners and outdoor enthusiasts! Surveyors will be out on the trails for the next few days. Please give them plenty of space and respect their work. Be sure to stay on designated [...]
Repairs on Outflow System in Detention System
We would like to inform you that MUD365 will be conducting repairs on an outflow system in the detention system starting March 23. As shown on the attached map, the area that will be [...]
Save the Date – World Water Day
Posted: March 21, 2022 at 11:31 a.m.
Scheduled Repairs: Sanitary Sewer Manholes
MUD 365’s operator, Si Environmental, maintenance crews are scheduled to carry out minor surface-level repairs on several sanitary sewer manholes in the district during the months of March and April. Each manhole should take [...]
Trail Improvements Update
We are pleased to announce that the new trash cans and benches have been installed. These amenities will make it easier for visitors to enjoy the park and keep the area clean. In addition, [...]
Trees for Houston
Harris County MUD 365 recognizes that trees provide countless benefits including cleaning the air, mitigating water run-off, providing shade to cool the surroundings, and beautifying our district. For more than 6 years, MUD 365 has [...]
Trail Closure
The restoration of the trails starts tomorrow. The Asphalt Contractor will start mobilizing North of Coles Crossing tomorrow, Jan 25 in the morning after schools starts. They will begin by trenching and installing the [...]
Multiple Maintenance Projects Starting
Our trail system is getting refreshed! Weather permitting, Monday, Dec 12th you should see work on the trails. They will be closing one section at a time, starting with the left side of the [...]
No Boil Water Notice for HCMUD 365
MUD 365/364’s has an independent water system. Please sign up to receive urgent alerts about our system by going to “Notifications” on our home page. Posted: November 28, 2022 at 10:56 a.m. [...]
Construction Notice: Barker Cypress and Road and Spring Cypress
Construction Notice: O’Reilly Auto Parts is installing a sewer line for their upcoming facility near the old CVS building on Barker Cypress Road and Spring Cypress. You will see construction work on either side [...]
Recycling Stickers
Do you have more recycling than the Best Trash 18-gallon bin can fit in it? You are allowed to add more bins/containers to your recycling pile. Best Trash just asks that the added containers [...]
NHCRWA Water System
MUD365/364 is located in the NHCRWA area, however MUD 365/364’s water system is independent of the NHCRWA’s water system. When this changes, it will be communicated. Therefore we are NOT included in any distribution [...]
Power Surge at Water Well #2
Today around 6:30 a.m., there was a power surge at water well #2. This surge caused the well to stop running. Si Environmental quickly had operators at the site to investigate. They were able to [...]
Voluntary Water Reduction
Dear MUD 365 customers, As we enter the hot summer season, please be mindful of your water usage. The Houston area has been experiencing dry conditions and if there is no major shift in the [...]
2021 Water Quality Report
Click here to view the District's 2021 water quality report.
Meet Ann Nguyen Moore
Harris County MUD 365 would like to introduce our newest Director, Ann Nguyen Moore, to the board. Ann Nguyen Moore grew up right here in Cypress, and is an alumn of Millsap Elementary, Arnold [...]
What is the RWA fee for? Do you have questions about the rising cost of water?
Do you have questions about the rising cost of water? What is being done today to secure and protect our kids’ and grandkids’ future water supply? Why is it important to use water more [...]
Trails Maintenance
The trails and trees near the trails are going through some routine maintenance.During this time please be extra cautious of your surroundings and environment. Stay clear from the crew and equipment while they work.This is [...]
Election Information
Notice of Election The next directors election is scheduled for Saturday, May 7, 2022. The District will establish the polling place(s) for the election, which will be provided in the Notice of Election. Applications [...]
Recycling Reminder
Recycling needs to be out by 7:00 a.m. and in marked containers. You can request a sticker through our contact form. Please separate recycle items from yard and house trash, a few feet apart [...]
Notice of Public Hearing on Tax Rate
The HARRIS COUNTY M.U.D. #365 will hold a public hearing on a proposed tax rate for the tax year 2021 on October 21, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. at 3200 Southwest Freeway, Suite 2400, Houston, [...]
2020 Water Quality Report
Click here to view the 2020 water quality report.
Splash Pad Repairs Completed
The splash pad has been repaired and is now functioning.
Sidewalk Project Completed
Phase 1 of our sidewalk project is completed! The sidewalk on Barker Cypress from Chalmette Park to Jarvis is ready for use.
Maintenance Work Beginning June 21st.
Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) is scheduled to begin maintenance in the MUD 365 and MUD 364 channels Monday, June 21st. Work will be done on weekdays between 8am-4pm and is dependent on weather [...]
Splash Pad Repair
The splash pad is currently inoperable and the District is in the process of having it repaired. We know everyone is anxious to enjoy the water and we will update the website as soon as [...]
Recycling Services Update
The MUD is aware of problems with the recycling service that have occurred both this week and in past months. MUD 365 is in communications and is working with Texas Pride to ensure service [...]
Recycling Update
MUD 365 has been notified of delays in today’s recycling pick up. We will let you know an estimated pick up time as soon as we are notified. See attached letter from Texas Pride [...]
Nuisance Animal Removal
Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD) has engaged their Nuisance Animal Removal contractor to begin trapping nutria within the shared channels of MUD 364 & MUD 365. Animals will be removed from the area [...]
Leak Adjustment Request Form
If you had a water leak which resulted in a higher water bill during recent winter storm, MUD 365 has a program to help. Please complete our online form Febuary 2021 Freeze Adjustment Request BEFORE [...]
EPA’s Fix a Leak Week
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) created “FIX a LEAK WEEK” as a national campaign to educate consumers about water-saving behaviors using WaterSense labeled products. The WaterSense label makes it easy to identify products that use less water and [...]
Board Update
Joe Myers presented a plaque to thank Jeff McClellan as a small token of thanks for his years of service with MUD 365. Jeff stepped down from his role as Director in December when [...]
Recycling Update
Texas Pride has informed us due to last week's skipped pick-up from the storm, they are experiencing higher volumes. We can expect pick-ups to run late tonight. They believe they will get to everyone [...]
North Harris County Regional Water Authority Amended Rate Order and Updated Pricing Policy
The North Harris County Regional Water Authority (the "Authority") Board of Directors (the "Board") at its regular monthly Board meeting held on February 1, 2021 adopted the Amended Rate Order. The Authority's Amended Rate [...]
Boil Water Recommendation No Longer in Effect
MUD 365 is no longer recommending boiling of water before consumption. All sample results showed no signs of bacteria in our water system effective February 19, 2021 at 12:30pm. Discoloration may still be present [...]
Boil Water Recommendation
MUD365 is continuing to recommend a boil notice out of an abundance of caution. The water should be brought to a vigorous, rolling boil and then boiled for two minutes before consuming. Instructions to [...]
Water is Safe
MUD 365 is NOT under a boil notice. MUD 365’s water system is separate from the City of Houston’s system so it does not affect us. MUD 365 is experiencing intermittent pressure issues, within the [...]
Pressure Has Been Restored
We received the notifications of low or no water pressure this evening from residents. Operators were able to fix the problem and pressure has been restored. Water discoloration is expected with any major change in [...]
No Trash Service on Tuesday, February 16th
Due to the inclement weather and poor road conditions, Texas Pride Disposal will not be operating on Tuesday, February 16.Please visit the Texas Pride Disposal website for updates: https://www.texaspridedisposal.com
Tax Transparency
Information about the District required by Section 26.18, Texas Tax Code, created by Senate Bill 2 (also known as the Texas Property Tax Reform and Transparency Act of 2019), is available below: Section 26.18, [...]
Board Vacancy
Its with deep regret that MUD 365 is announcing that Director Jeff McClellan has resigned, effective December 31, 2020. Director McClellan is moving out of the district and will no longer be qualified to [...]
District Updates
Good news! Our dog station drinking fountains have been modified and now can be used. Please make sure to have all pets on leashes and to clean up after them while using the trail [...]
2019 Consumer Confidence Report
The 2019 Consumer Confidence Report, also known as your water quality report, will be mailed out this week to all residents in MUD 365. You can also find the report here: 2019 CCR (PDF) [...]
RFQ for Design Engineers
Harris County Municipal Utility District No. 365 (“MUD 365”) is seeking to enter into an engineering services contract with a state-registered design engineer in connection with its Type I water reuse facilities project. The [...]
District Updates
Recycling needs to be loose not bagged. Our benches, fountains, interactive fountain are not to be used and social distancing should be practiced while on the trails. Our operators are essential employees and will [...]
No Wipes in the Pipes
With the increase of people staying home right now, our operators would like to remind residents that toilets should not be used as trash cans. As our friend Patty Potty says: Flush only the [...]
MUD 365 Not Affected by Houston Boil Water Notice
MUD 365 jointly operates water wells with MUD 364. Our water system is not connected to the City of Houston’s water system, therefore, we are unaffected by the issue the City of Houston is [...]
Special Board Meeting
Thursday, February 20, 2020 at 11:30 AM Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP 3200 Southwest Freeway, Houston, Texas 77027 Suite 2400, Blanco Conference Room • Special Meeting Agenda (PDF) Business meeting follows at noon: Allen [...]
Election Time – MUD 365 Board of Directors
It’s that time again. MUD 365 Director elections are around the corner. Get details on our Elections page.
New Recycling Services Provider
Harris County M.U.D. 365 has approved a new contract for recycling services. The existing recycling provider, Residential Recycling of Texas, will be replaced by a new vendor, Texas Pride Disposal. This is a three [...]
We’re Planting New Trees Again!
We are excited to announce another 150 trees are being planted along our trail system this month. Trees not only add beauty to the landscaping and neighborhood but also are important for managing runoff. [...]
Electronic Waste Pickup and Document Shredding
Residential Recycling & Refuse of Texas www.rrrtx.net 346-248-5222 Electronic Waste Pickup and Document Shredding -- For MUD 365 and 364 Residents Only Watch while your documents are shredded on-site!! Provided free of charge [...]
Emergency Alerts Test
On Wednesday, October 30th at 12 pm, Harris County MUD 365 will be testing the emergency alert system. To subscribe visit https://hcmud365.classicmessaging.com.If you have already registered please log into your account and make sure your [...]
MUD 365 Construction Announcement
Harris County MUD No. 365 and No. 364 are both served by the Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) located on the north side of Jarvis Road, just west of Barker Cypress Road. The WWTP has been [...]
Water-Efficient Products Sales Tax Holiday – May 25-27, 2019
You can buy certain water-efficient and water-conserving products tax free during the Water-Efficient Products Sales Tax Holiday. There is no limit on the number of qualifying items you can buy: https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/publications/98-1018.php [...]
North Harris County Regional Water Authority (RWA): Rate Increase
The North Harris County Regional Water Authority (RWA) will raise the rate it charges for ground water from $3.40 per 1000 gallons to $3.85 per 1000 gallons. For more details about this fee, please [...]
New Year’s Resolution to Conserve Water and Lower Your Water Bill?
SIGN UP NOW for the W.I.S.E. Guys Irrigation System Evaluation Program! MUD 365 is here to help by offering a limited number of free irrigation system evaluations that can help to ensure your sprinkler [...]
Paul Bland Memorial Bench Installed
MUD 365 in conjunction with Cole’s Crossing HOA, would like to showcase a new bench installed to honor Paul Bland. Paul was very active in the community, as well as serving as a director for [...]
Why Conserve Water?
The average, single-family indoor residential water use is 69 gallons per person per day. In Coles Crossing, the average household uses approximately 400 gallons per day. This usage can be reduced by a third [...]
Water Plant Construction on Telge
MUD 365 is in the process of upgrading the water plant on Telge road on behalf of MUD 364. Part of this construction will consist of drilling a new water well. The drilling operations can [...]
Recycling Contract Changes
Attention MUD 365 Residents: Effective immediately, due to a change to our contract, recycling must be placed at the curb. Back door pickup is no longer available. This does not affect trash pickup. Recycling [...]
Next Business Meeting
January 16, 2025 at 11:00 AM
Next In-District Meeting
February 10, 2025 at 5:00 PM
Joint Meeting with HCMUD 364
January 30, 2025 at 6:00 PM
Telephone Conference: 408-650-3123
Access Code: 345-545-013